maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Badge Page #248

Open wastedshame opened 3 months ago

wastedshame commented 3 months ago

So for events I've been involved in, I've been making little graphics for people to put at the end of their banners. We're doing a mini-tournament soon, and I made one for it and mentioned it to a player that's going to be involved in judging the duels. She thought a badge page or badge section to show who has been involved in what would be a fun idea, and I kind of dig it.

Maybe it's something you can click beside their names that leads to a page that says something like 'This Player Has the Following Badges', and deputies can put badges on player's badge page in admin.

We thought that FOMO on getting badge might encourage more players to become involved in various events being held.

Example of the badges I make: SGS2024 coldridgeSTAMP coldridgeSTAMP2 coldridgeSTAMP3