maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wiki Feature Requests #250

Closed wastedshame closed 3 weeks ago

wastedshame commented 2 months ago

So there's a couple of things that I'd like for the wiki to have, that I'm hoping you can help with.

First of all, the ability to search the wiki would be great. We do not currently have that as a feature. I recently typed up a 'Dueling Guide' for newbies, but I didn't link it to anything immediately because it was a WIP and I was looking for feedback from the player base. I forgot to bookmark it and cleared my history and couldn't find it. I was able to guess the right link to bring it up again, but the panic was real.

Secondly, the ability to delete wiki pages would be great. I say this because I accidentally named a wiki page the wrong thing, and instead of being able to delete and remake with the correct name, I could only do the latter. That means that the incorrect page is still out there on the wiki, but not attached to anything (and taking up space). It'd be nice if deputies (only deputies) could delete wiki pages, with a confirmation pop up to ensure we didn't accidentally delete something.