maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
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Deputies Pinning Board Posts #252

Closed wastedshame closed 3 weeks ago

wastedshame commented 1 month ago

I would like for deputies to have the ability to pin and unpin board posts. I think it would be helpful in some instances.

My main reason for requesting this, is I think it would be nice to pin logonmessage board posts for new players or current events. Things that pin commands we've set up for newbies that doesn't go away unless another deputy unpins it. That being said, I think only the deputy that made the post should be able to pin or unpin, unless that deputy falls inactive or is removed. Kind of how things are owned and unowned currently, but for pinning board posts.

I also think it would be good to be able to pin certain player posts so that they don't go away unless a deputy unpins it, for facilitating rp and things of that nature.