maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
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Can't Put These Items in a Container? #253

Open wastedshame opened 1 week ago

wastedshame commented 1 week ago

I am not sure why, but I cannot put item 66 or item 59 in a container. They don't look any different from similar items I've made. I'm sure there is a reasonable solution to this, but I'm unsure what to do. Is there any way you could have a look and see if the problem is on my end or not? Thank you. :)

maartenl commented 1 week ago

Which container? Do you get an error message? Try and see if you can get an error message in the Admin, tab "Systemlog" on the date that you tried it. (Also send me the date that you tried it (and time), so I can verify in the logs on the server).

(Give me the items and a container, to see if I can do it. :) )

wastedshame commented 1 week ago

I was trying to put the item bold, moisturizing, cherry tobacco soap in a woven, straw, bath tote. Other items go in the container just fine, but not this soap. The same thing is true of the item pleasant, tart-smelling, watermelon, with the bath tote. The bath tote is not my item, but Ephinie's. It holds other things just fine, so I think the problems may lie with the soap items themselves (Item number 59 and 66, respectively).