maas-alliance / apis

Example APIs designed to support the MaaS ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
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Take Apache incubation process as model for MA and adapt it to MA needs #22

Closed brylie closed 5 years ago

brylie commented 5 years ago

We need a process to incubate our API specifications. To this end, we can adopt parts of existing incubation process, such as the Apache incubation process. Note: we want our process to be simple, and with low friction, so that we can deliver the initial version of our APIs ASAP. We can then iterate on subsequent versions with feedback from broader stakeholders.

evermassen commented 5 years ago

For the MA balloting procedure one additional step is added which deals with the acceptance of a new idea or API. This step is concluded by means of an “Acceptance Ballot”. After passing the “Acceptance Ballot” the incubation phase is started. During this phase, the new idea/API is tested and reviewed by the T&S workgroup. This phase is concluded by yet another vote, the “Release Vote”. A release vote marks the final acceptance of the idea/API.