mabaorui / NeuralPull

Implementation of ICML'2021:Neural-Pull: Learning Signed Distance Functions from Point Clouds by Learning to Pull Space onto Surfaces
MIT License
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If you operating system supports python=3.6.13 and tensorflow=2.5.0,I offer you another solution: 1. Download this file 2. Run this command ‘conda env create -f NeuralPull.yml’ 3. Run this command ‘source activate tensorflow’ 4. Replace this line of code ‘import tensorflow as tf’ in and #10

Closed mabaorui closed 2 years ago

mabaorui commented 2 years ago

If you operating system supports python=3.6.13 and tensorflow=2.5.0,I offer you another solution: 1. Download this file 2. Run this command ‘conda env create -f NeuralPull.yml’ 3. Run this command ‘source activate tensorflow’ 4. Replace this line of code ‘import tensorflow as tf’ in and with ‘import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

tf.disable_v2_behavior()’ If you still have problems, please feel free to contact me.


Originally posted by @mabaorui in