I would like to ask you about some hints on how to grab the frames I obtained with an external Arduino trigger.
The frames are obtained with a Trigger Width Exposure mode, and Falling Edge configuration, 0/1 digital pin, from a given line. Whenever I try to get the frames from the buffer, I get in trouble.
Herein is how my code looks up to now:
# This is my camera:
icam = py.InstantCamera(py.TlFactory.GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice())
# Trigger mode and exposure mode:
triggermode = ['On','Off'] # Trigger mode, char 'On' or 'Off'
icam.TriggerMode = triggermode[on_off]
Nframes = time * FrameRate
if (icam.TriggerMode() == 'On'):
icam.ExposureMode = 'TriggerWidth'
icam.TriggerSource = 'Line4'
icam.TriggerActivation = 'FallingEdge'
icam.AcquisitionStatusSelector = 'FrameTriggerWait'
else: icam.ExposureTime = Texp;
* [...] <-- External triggering, Arduino part of the code *
# we retrieve the set of frames:
# to control how many pics we are grabbing:
while(itemnumb <= Nframes):
# then we end the acquisition
My intention is that gray has all the Nframes saved as a set of arrays
I would like to ask you about some hints on how to grab the frames I obtained with an external Arduino trigger. The frames are obtained with a Trigger Width Exposure mode, and Falling Edge configuration, 0/1 digital pin, from a given line. Whenever I try to get the frames from the buffer, I get in trouble.
Herein is how my code looks up to now:
My intention is that gray has all the Nframes saved as a set of arrays
Thanks in advance!