maboroshin / qBittorrentDarktheme

qBittorrent Dark theme
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Issues waiting for release 4.22 #2

Open maboroshin opened 4 years ago

maboroshin commented 4 years ago

Waitting to qBittorrent ver 4.2.2

The above includes these changes

I still don't understand how to reflect. Please tell me. I understand easy programming only.

Related issue

maboroshin commented 4 years ago

Change of Transfer list's text color in Ver4.22 or later (It can not change on ver4.2.1)


Delete this code:

QTabWidget QStackedWidget QTreeView:hover {
  background-color:  /* transfer list bg : each item  */
  alternate-background-color:  /* Memo: Transfer list each item: alt item only : can't hover et */
QTabWidget QStackedWidget QTreeView:active { /* Add elm : Patch : copy from QAbstractItemView */
  alternate-background-color:  /* Memo: Transfer list each item: alt item only : can't hover et */

But Text color is constant. Can't reflect. I read this description and src/gui/transferlistwidget.h. I tried the below code.

TransferListModel, TransferListWidget,
TransferListModel_, TransferListWidget_,
#TransferListModel, #TransferListWidget,
#TransferListModel_, #TransferListWidget_, {
  qproperty-unknownStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-forcedDownloadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-downloadStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-downloadMetadataStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-allocatingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-stalledDownloadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-forcedUploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-uploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-stalledUploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-checkingResumeDataStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-queuedDownloadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-queuedUploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-checkingUploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-checkingDownloadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-pausedDownloadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-pausedUploadingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-movingStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-missingFilesStateForeground: #E2A478;
  qproperty-errorStateForeground: #E2A478;
maboroshin commented 4 years ago

jagannatharjun wrote TransferListWidget in here. But, Can't reflect.

maboroshin commented 4 years ago

Elsewhere, in ver4.2.2 (maybe jagannatharjun 's), the color of the text changes according to the status. I try work on this.


maboroshin commented 4 years ago

The cause may be QWidget of qss, which specifies the whole.

But when I remove this, I need to specify each bjects. It takes time.

maboroshin commented 4 years ago

Success. I changed to each text color.