mabunixda / node-red-contrib-fronius-solar

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Error after upgrading to 1.0.4 #31

Open dbrosy opened 1 year ago

dbrosy commented 1 year ago

I get this error after upgrading:

"TypeError: fronius.GetPowerFlowRealtimeData is not a function"

I have restarted nodered

After looking at the changes to v1.0.4 i see the name of the function was changed but this function is defined in "node-fronius-solar" so it would also need to be changed there.

Needs to be called "GetPowerFlowRealtimeDataData"

Fabi00815 commented 1 year ago

Is there any solution for this?

I cant get it downgraded to 1.0.3 and the 1.0.4 doenst run.


dbrosy commented 1 year ago

Remove the node-red-contrib-fronius-solar from node-red

From cli use node-red admin to install specific version

then re-add nodes in your flow

me6545445 commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. When I enter "node-red-admin install node-red-contrib-fronius-solar-v1.0.3" it says "404: Module not found". Can you give further instructions how to install version 1.0.3

Znubbis commented 11 months ago

Same here, 1.0.4 is broken. I'm not sure where Fronius updated the API but it did not help to update the inverter.

tomy-d commented 11 months ago

I do have the same issue .... updated to 1.0.4 ... getting error: "TypeError: fronius.GetPowerFlowRealtimeData is not a function"

dbrosy commented 11 months ago

for those with issue using 1.0.4 you will need to downgrade to 1.0.3


Command line:

npm i node-red-contrib-fronius-solar@1.0.3

Web Interface:

Go to Settings | Pallete | Install and click on UP arrow button (Upload module tgz file) and paste following:

Note: you may need to remove previous version before installing 1.0.3. If it is greyed than it is in use and you will need to remove any reference to it

Fabi00815 commented 11 months ago

I wasnt able to downgrade so i did this quickfix for me:

nano ./.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-fronius-solar/fronius/fronius.js

change line 83: FROM: fronius.GetPowerFlowRealtimeData(node.options).then(function(json) { // eslint-disable-line TO: fronius.GetPowerFlowRealtimeDataData(node.options).then(function(json) { // eslint-disable-line

save and restart node-red.

So i got the version 1.0.4 running.

reitermarkus commented 11 months ago

I also just updated my inverter and it also doesn't work with 1.0.4.

@tnn85 and @mabunixda, does 1.0.4 actually work for you? If yes, I assume not all inverters are updated to the same API version yet.

My inverter is a Symo 5.0-3-M at version 3.27.1-3.

reitermarkus commented 11 months ago

Okay, after looking into this more, the change makes no sense and cannot work.

The API call was always correctly called GetPowerFlowRealtimeData, nothing changed there. Only the function name in node-fronius-solar is wrong, see

reitermarkus commented 11 months ago

Well, the same thing is actually already stated right in the issue text:

After looking at the changes to v1.0.4 i see the name of the function was changed but this function is defined in "node-fronius-solar" so it would also need to be changed there.

Would probably make sense actually reading it next time. 😄

tnn85 commented 11 months ago

@reitermarkus No, sorry. My changes didn't work and i was too lazy to look into it deeper.

reitermarkus commented 11 months ago

Right, so should be reverted until is merged and released.

Sigi100 commented 6 months ago

Hallo, Ich habe den WR Fronius gen24. Bei mir kommt seit dem Upgrade auf 1.0.4 auch die Fehlermeldung "TypeError: fronius.GetPowerFlowRealtimeData ist keine Funktion"

Ich dachte zuerst es liegt am WR und habe diesen auch upgedatet.

Leider funktioniert es immer noch nicht. Habe auch schon versucht den Node Inverter auf API Vers 1 umzustellen. Springt aber immer wieder zurück auf Ver 0 ??

Echt Schade, war eine Super Node Wir das vom Ersteller noch angepasst?

mabunixda commented 6 months ago

Ja ein Update kommt

Sigi100 commented 6 months ago

Hallo mabunixda,

Super, vielen Dank.

Hatte es mittlerweile schon selbst gelöst mit der "http-request"-Node. Anfrage an den WR.

Für Interessierte:

Node: http-Request: (Oder zum Test einfach in den Browser eingeben)


Damit konnte ich die API Version 1 abfragen.

Es gibt auch noch andere Interessante Anfragen zu den einzelnen Werten der Strings,....