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[Snyk] Upgrade mocha from 8.1.3 to 8.2.1 #8

Closed snyk-bot closed 3 years ago

snyk-bot commented 3 years ago

Snyk has created this PR to upgrade mocha from 8.1.3 to 8.2.1.

merge advice :sparkles: Snyk has automatically assigned this pull request, set who gets assigned.

:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.

Release notes
Package name: mocha
  • 8.2.1 - 2020-11-02

    8.2.1 / 2020-11-02

    Fixed stuff.

    πŸ› Fixes

    • #4489: Fix problematic handling of otherwise-unhandled Promise rejections and erroneous "done() called twice" errors (@boneskull)
    • #4496: Avoid MaxListenersExceededWarning in watch mode (@boneskull)

    Also thanks to @akeating for a documentation fix!

  • 8.2.0 - 2020-10-16

    8.2.0 / 2020-10-16

    The major feature added in v8.2.0 is addition of support for global fixtures.

    While Mocha has always had the ability to run setup and teardown via a hook (e.g., a before() at the top level of a test file) when running tests in serial, Mocha v8.0.0 added support for parallel runs. Parallel runs are incompatible with this strategy; e.g., a top-level before() would only run for the file in which it was defined.

    With global fixtures, Mocha can now perform user-defined setup and teardown regardless of mode, and these fixtures are guaranteed to run once and only once. This holds for parallel mode, serial mode, and even "watch" mode (the teardown will run once you hit Ctrl-C, just before Mocha finally exits). Tasks such as starting and stopping servers are well-suited to global fixtures, but not sharing resources--global fixtures do not share context with your test files (but they do share context with each other).

    Here's a short example of usage:

    // fixtures.js
    // can be async or not
    exports.mochaGlobalSetup = async function() {
      this.server = await startSomeServer({port: process.env.TEST_PORT});
      console.log(`server running on port ${this.server.port}`);
    exports.mochaGlobalTeardown = async function() {
      // the context (`this`) is shared, but not with the test files
      await this.server.stop();
      console.log(`server on port ${this.server.port} stopped`);
    // this file can contain root hook plugins as well!
    // exports.mochaHooks = { ... }

    Fixtures are loaded with --require, e.g., mocha --require fixtures.js.

    For detailed information, please see the documentation and this handy-dandy flowchart to help understand the differences between hooks, root hook plugins, and global fixtures (and when you should use each).

    πŸŽ‰ Enhancements

    For implementors of custom reporters:

    • #4409: Parallel mode and custom reporter improvements (@boneskull):
      • Support custom worker-process-only reporters (Runner.prototype.workerReporter()); reporters should subclass ParallelBufferedReporter in mocha/lib/nodejs/reporters/parallel-buffered
      • Allow opt-in of object reference matching for "sufficiently advanced" custom reporters (Runner.prototype.linkPartialObjects()); use if strict object equality is needed when consuming Runner event data
      • Enable detection of parallel mode (Runner.prototype.isParallelMode())

    πŸ› Fixes

    • #4476: Workaround for profoundly bizarre issue affecting npm v6.x causing some of Mocha's deps to be installed when mocha is present in a package's devDependencies and npm install --production is run the package's working copy (@boneskull)
    • #4465: Worker processes guaranteed (as opposed to "very likely") to exit before Mocha does; fixes a problem when using nyc with Mocha in parallel mode (@boneskull)
    • #4419: Restore lookupFiles() in mocha/lib/utils, which was broken/missing in Mocha v8.1.0; it now prints a deprecation warning (use const {lookupFiles} = require('mocha/lib/cli') instead) (@boneskull)

    Thanks to @AviVahl, @donghoon-song, @ValeriaVG, @znarf, @sujin-park, and @majecty for other helpful contributions!

  • 8.1.3 - 2020-08-28

    8.1.3 / 2020-08-28

    πŸ› Fixes

    • #4425: Restore Mocha.utils.lookupFiles() and Webpack compatibility (both broken since v8.1.0); Mocha.utils.lookupFiles() is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major revision of Mocha; use require('mocha/lib/cli').lookupFiles instead (@boneskull)
from mocha GitHub release notes
Commit messages
Package name: mocha
  • 185cada Release v8.2.1
  • bddc079 update CHANGELOG for v8.2.1
  • d2e0e83 ensure eslint runs properly on PRs
  • 27cae39 properly dispose Mocha instance in watch mode; closes #4495
  • 5c004a9 do not run CI on closed PRs
  • 8318dff update deps for some vuln which is not applicable to mocha
  • c3ced39 delegate to Node on non-Mocha unhandled rejections (#4489)
  • fac181b Correct global fixtures release version
  • 7e490aa Change assert module's deprecated methods in testing files (#4435)
  • 0165112 add node.js v15 to build matrix
  • f23035d fix v8.2.0 release date in [ci skip]
  • afe8daa Release v8.2.0
  • 20d3d4c update CHANGELOG for v8.2.0 [ci skip]
  • 932c09a fix scripts/linkify-changelog to not blast fenced code blocks
  • 3b333ec chore(deps): chokidar@3.4.3
  • 058b2e7 attempt to force colors in karma config
  • 60e3662 replace promise.allsettled with @ungap/promise-all-settled; closes #4474
  • f132448 remove duplicated/problem reporter tests; closes #4469
  • 31116db fix: remove job count from parallel mode debug log (#4416)
  • 478ca6a add "fixture flowchart" to docs (#4440)
  • 9c28990 support leading dots in --extension
  • 2852505 chore(deps): upgrade to latest stable
  • b216fcd Support multipart extensions like ".test.js" (#4442)
  • 1aa182b refactor: utils.type() (#4457); closes #4306

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mabunixda commented 3 years ago

not updating within this PR