macMikey / LCB-missing-manual

I'm trying to learn LCB, again, but the docs are thin.
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Improvements to the project browser #47

Open macMikey opened 1 year ago

macMikey commented 1 year ago
BerndN commented 1 year ago

for refresh:

in handler preOpenStack of revprojectbrowserbehavior.livecodescript add this line to the "footer" section:

addFrameItem "refresh", "footer", "action", "Refresh PB", "refresh", "", "doRefresh", the long id of me

Then add handler doRefresh e.g. at the bottom of the script

on doRefresh lock screen setUpProjectView buildProjectView true unlock screen end doRefresh

This will add a "refresh" icon to the footer of PB

macMikey commented 1 year ago

Why not propose a QR to LC, since you did the work on it?

BerndN commented 1 year ago

There is a pull-request on GitHub with my code by Mark Wieder (not merged) and also a bit burried in a QCC uploaded attachement by me. On the other hand I am absolutely convinced that the PB will be fixed to the point where it will never fail again... :)

macMikey commented 1 year ago

really. huh. i don't believe you, Bernd. you could always contribute more of these great ideas to a new repo for hacking LiveCode, so at least people who are interested can find them, easier.

macMikey commented 1 year ago

probably moving the filter to