maca88 / SmartBikeLights

Garmin application for ANT+ bike lights
MIT License
97 stars 6 forks source link

Flare RT and Varia 515 Taillights #49

Closed michalek-marcin closed 10 months ago

michalek-marcin commented 10 months ago


I installed the app on garmin edge 840. Everything works, except one thing. Is it possible to connect flare rt and varia taillights and configure them using this app? I would like to disable varia light, keep radar on and control flare rt light mode. When I connect varia using light network settings (via garmin settings) I receive error 3 code on Smart bike lights data screen. When I remove it from the lights and keep it only as a radar everything is ok.

maca88 commented 10 months ago


If you want to just control flare RT with the Smart Bike Lights then you need to specify the serial number when creating the configuration in the Lights Configurator. If you would like to control both lights then you will have to install also "Smart Bike Lights #2" data field and setup one light per data field. You can also check the documentation for controlling multiple lights of the same type: