maca88 / SmartBikeLights

Garmin application for ANT+ bike lights
MIT License
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Garmin RVR315 not able to detect objects coming from left and right #69

Open mamtasiyak opened 3 weeks ago

mamtasiyak commented 3 weeks ago

Folks I am getting data using ANT+ protocol to detect objetcs on road using Garmin RVR315 and it is not able to identify objects coming from left and right, it always says for all the objects approaching from behind even if it is coming from left or right. Is it working fine for everyone else? Is it only me who is facing this issue? What do I do?

maca88 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I did some quick tests my on Varia RTL515 and I am also getting "THREAT_SIDE_NO_SIDE" every time. It seems like that Varia does not support threatSide attribute.

mamtasiyak commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks :)