macacajs / XCTestWD

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麻烦帮忙看看XCTestXCAXClientProxy.m文件中的这个方法,每次调用的时候,都会异常退出 #189

Open pxrgod opened 3 years ago

pxrgod commented 3 years ago

(NSDictionary )attributesForElement:(id )element
)attributes {
if ([XCTestAXClient respondsToSelector:@selector(attributesForElement:attributes:error:)]) { NSError error = nil; //执行到此处就异常退出 NSDictionary result = [XCTestAXClient attributesForElement:element attributes:attributes error:&error]; return result; }
return [XCTestAXClient attributesForElement:element attributes:attributes]; } 使用的手机是iphone 11,系统版本是14.2

macaca-bot commented 3 years ago

This is the translated issue:

Trouble helps to see this method in the xctestxcaxclientProxy.m file, every time you call, you will abnormally

(Nsdictionary ) AttributeSforeelement: (ID) ELEMENT Attributes: (NSArray ) Attributes { IF ([XCTestaxClient RespondStoselector: @Selector (AttributeSforeelement: attributes: error :)) { NSERROR Error = NIL; // If you execute it, you will exit it. NSDictionary result = [xctestaxclient AttributeSforelement: Element Attributes: Attributes Error: & Error]; Return Result; } Return [XCTestaxClient AttributeSforeelement: Element Attributes: Attributes]; } The mobile phone used is iPhone 11, the system version is 14.2

pxrgod commented 3 years ago


macaca-bot commented 3 years ago

This is the translated issue comment: @pxrgod

If the incoming parameter Element calling this method is set to AccessiblityElement, the crash is not, but the query is not the corresponding attribute.