macarthur-lab / clinvar

This repo provides tools to convert ClinVar data into a tab-delimited flat file, and also provides that resulting tab-delimited flat file.
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List Order Mismatch between Clinical_Sig & All_Summiters #25

Closed raymond301 closed 7 years ago

raymond301 commented 7 years ago

Example: Variant=chr1:976059_C>T ID=RCV000195231

The result in your clinvar_alleles.tsv: clinical_significance="Likely benign;Uncertain significance" all_submitters="Genetic Services Laboratory, University of Chicago;PreventionGenetics"

If you look at the order of the list....which would be useful....Likely benign was submitted by U of Chicago. But, that is not the case:

That's just one example, there are many, many, many more.

I can see where this comes from. Regex and the XML structure. In script:

current_row['all_submitters'] = ';'.join([
            submitter_node.attrib['submitter'].replace(';', ',')
            for submitter_node in elem.findall('.//ClinVarSubmissionID')
            if submitter_node.attrib is not None and submitter_node.attrib.has_key('submitter')

The "submitters" is obtained from a separate node, without any attempt to match against the nested clin_sig description.

    if clinical_significance.find('.//ReviewStatus') is not None:
    if clinical_significance.find('.//Description') is not None:

If I had a solution worked out, I would make a pull request. But it appears to tricky, so far.

raymond301 commented 7 years ago

I created a pull request for this. Not replacing your columns, but simply adding 2 new columns to report back the submitter specific clin. sig. & review status. #28