macbre / ForoysktDaily

Scripts for @FøroysktDaily Twitter account
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Words #71

Open macbre opened 1 year ago

macbre commented 1 year ago
#faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

To do the justice - these pirates were highly likely based on Hebrides. Gaelic language they spoke simplify confused the local and made them call these pirates Irish.

floor //

cat //

cash register - kassatól h // tʰɔuːl



cash register

Hestur k // hɛstʊɹ - horse, stallion // an island inhabitated by 19 men. // //

Stóra Dímun // stɔuːɹa dʊimun

tongue twister - orð (setningur) ið er torført at siga; the phrase sounded like a tongue twister twister tað var sum at siga kolturstorvkongul // kolturstorvkongul -

Viðoy kv - viːjɔi

gongulurt h - walkman

backyard - //

fjall - mountain

guinea pig - marsvín

sum lundi sligin á nevið utterly ashamed, intensely embarrassed; fyltur lundi, sí fylla2; errin sum lundi very proud; fara burtur at/á lunda go catching puffins

drone - kallbýfluga (kall -

klamerka - clothes peg -

poster - uppslag

self-portrait - sjálvsmynd (sjálvs- - self * [x] mynd - picture) taken on #Fugloy #føroyskt

phone -

tortoise - skjaldbøka (

idea - hugmynd (huga = come to think of [x] mynd - picture) / hugskot ( [x] skot - shot) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

fireworks - fýrverk

hálkukoyring - driving (koyring) on slippery (hálka) roads

receipt - kvittan

speed bump - vegforingar (vegur - road * [x] )

gott/ringt gonguveður good (bad) outdoor (walking) weather

handle -

juice - djús (juse in case someone tells you that Faroese words are pretty awkward) #føroyskt

caravan - ferðamannafylgi (ferð - journey [x] manna - man, crew [x] fylgi - train) #funningur #føroyskt

traffic accident - ferðsluóhappið /

yellow pages - gulu síðurnar

raindrop - regndropi (regn - rain * [x] dropi - drop) #Saksun #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

intersection #Kalsoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

crime fiction - brotsskaldsøgur (

Pipistrellus nathusii (a small #bat) - trøllflogmús (trøll - troll, tall and strong young man [x] flog - flying [x] mús - mouse) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

passport - leiðarbræv (leiðari - leader, tour operator * [x] bræv - letter, note)

Tjóðpallur Føroya - Faroese National Theater

Faroe Islands Super Cup - Stórsteypadystur (stór - big [x] steyp - cup [x] dystur - match) @Vikingur_ #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

Løgmansskrivstovan - the Faroese Prime Minister's Office #Tórshavn #Tinganes #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

nyðra - small fleecy clouds / sheep undercoat #FaroeseClouds #faroese #føroyskt

application software - nýtsluritbúnaður (nýtslu - consumer, user, applied * [x] ritbúnaður)

brekka - steep road

period of three hours - økt

republican - lýðveldismaður

dean, head of afaculty - megindeildarráðsformaður

live coverage - beinleiðis sjónvarp #føroyskt #KringvarpFøroya #FaroeIslands

user interface - nýtslumarkamót (nýtslu - consumer, user, applied [x] marka - border [x] mót - the meating of two ends) #føroyskt

whirlpool - meldurstreymur (meldur - revolve in a circle * [x] streymur - sea current) #Suðuroy #føroyskt

lawn mower - sláimaskina

silence! - verið friðarlig!

hátíðarligari - a thousand thanks


Hundslappadrifa, for example, means "heavy snowfall with large flakes occurring in calm wind."

takk fyri * [x] akkusativ

heilsan fra Føroyum (dativ)

Takk fyri allan. Bestu heilsanir frá Føroyum.


#farerskiekadry #wyspyowcze #ZArchiwumFarerskiejPrasy