Hi Justin, I updated the implementation of density map restraints. The map potentials for each replica are calculated before simulation given "blur" scaler. Currently, it doesn't use the replica ladder adaptation by changing alpha values, as exchanges are usually fine and this can save the time for recalculation of map potential. High dimensional maps slow down simulations, which I think is caused by sending the map potential data to gpu at each exchange step. Do you have any suggestions for this considering the map potential for each replica is fixed during simulation?
Hi Justin, I updated the implementation of density map restraints. The map potentials for each replica are calculated before simulation given "blur" scaler. Currently, it doesn't use the replica ladder adaptation by changing alpha values, as exchanges are usually fine and this can save the time for recalculation of map potential. High dimensional maps slow down simulations, which I think is caused by sending the map potential data to gpu at each exchange step. Do you have any suggestions for this considering the map potential for each replica is fixed during simulation?