macchiato-framework / macchiato-core

Ring style HTTP server abstraction for Node.js
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Make signed cookies work or default to non-signed #51

Open euporos opened 2 years ago

euporos commented 2 years ago

First and foremost: The world needs something like Macchiato and I've used for several projects by now: thanks for making it work!

Now for my issue ;) …

Using the current template and following the current Documentation, cookies set “by hand” show up as `nil´ in subsequent request. Consider the following server config:

(defn home [req res raise]
  (-> (str (:cookies req))
      (assoc-in [:cookies "mycookie" :value] "is_set")
      (r/content-type "text/html")

(defn server []
  (let [host (or (:host @env) "")
        port (or (some-> @env :port js/parseInt) 3001)]
     {:handler    home
      :host       host
      :port       port
      :on-success #(info "guestbook started on" host ":" port)})))

“mycookie” is sucessfully set in the browser, but subsequent requests show {"macchiato-session" {:value "G__1"}, "macchiato-session.sig" {:value nil}, "mycookie" {:value nil}}.

In order to assoc cookies as described in the documentation, it seems one has to use unsigned cookies and thus add :cookies {:signed? false} to the server configuration. I feel this should at least be part of the documentation and template.

Even better would be knowing how to actually make macchiato work with signed cookies… I assume it's possible given the option for it but haven't figured out how… any clues?

yogthos commented 2 years ago

Hi, glad to hear that Macchiato came in handy. And the issue definitely does looks like a bug. I completely agree that the session should work with signed cookies. This would probably be the place to look. I might not have a chance to investigate in the near future, but if you'd be up for poking around I could definitely help getting a PR in and doing a release.