maccman / catapult

A Sprockets/Rack build tool
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Adding multiple requires causes ArgumentError in sprockets #6

Open mraaroncruz opened 12 years ago

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

I'm getting this
1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sprockets-2.4.5/lib/sprockets/directive_processor.rb:206 :in process_require_directive: wrong number of arguments (7 for 1) (ArgumentError)
when my app.js looks like this

//= require './vendor/underscore-min'
//= require './vendor/backbone-min'
//= require './backbone/app'

This is what is being sent to that process_require_directive method in sprockets

["vendor/underscore-min", "//=", "require", "vendor/backbone-min", "//=", "require", "backbone/app"]


mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

sorry I'm not using Spine

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

There seems to be an issue (here) with the generated files. Coffeescript was also taking a crap in my lap.
After deleting -> retouching the files, everything works as expected. ^M? Weird stuff.
I will leave this to y'all to close.

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

This just bit me again. Super strange. Works with require_tree . but when I add any other require directives it won't compile. Deleting the file and touching a new one fixes it...

lucasmazza commented 12 years ago

This seems to be more related to sprockets rather than catapult, and you could get more help over there. Anyway, if you can provide a sample app I might take a look on it later.

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

Here's a sample repo in it won't watch or build for me

Write asset: ./public/assets/app.js
/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sprockets-2.4.5/lib/sprockets/directive_processor.rb:258:in `process_require_directory_directive': wrong number of arguments (4 for 1) (ArgumentError)
  (in /Users/aaron/tmp/sample/assets/stylesheets/app.css:1)

in I have yanked the text from the app.css file, deleted it, created a new buffer, pasted and written the buffer, all in vim, and catapult builds. Thanks

lucasmazza commented 12 years ago

Your app.css at the broken branch is using CR line terminators and it breaks when sprockets process it, while the new_file is using LF.

You could convert it to LF (recommended) or open an issue at the sprockets repo to fix it somehow.

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

AFAIK this is the only project that I use that generates files with CR terminators. So I am more apt to believe that it is a bug in catapult and not in Sprockets. What could be causing this? Maybe we can fix it. Is there a reason this project prefers CR?

mraaroncruz commented 12 years ago

Created an issue on Thor I want to get to the bottom of this :)

lucasmazza commented 12 years ago

Thanks! Let's see what come out of it.

13k commented 11 years ago

Hi, I had the same problem today.

Sprockets deliberately relies on LFs (String#lines() uses $/ and it defaults to "\n").

I'm not sure if Sprockets should fix it by handling all line endings (they accept the default $/ which is flexible), neither I investigated if thor generates files with this problem, but I'm sure Catapult could generate valid files since this is a very annoying bug with a simple fix (I had no clue why that was happening and spent some time hunting this while reading Sprockets source code).

wbotelhos commented 9 years ago

So late, but if anyone has a similar problem, mine was a malformed syntax:

//= require foo_//= require bar

Hope help someone.