macedotavares / obsidian-utilities

An Alfred workflow focusing on quick entry and logging.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggestion: Allow user to specify section to add to in Daily Note #5

Open heliostatic opened 3 years ago

heliostatic commented 3 years ago

Currently, tasks are appended to the daily note as #{var:task_tag} [[{var:tasks_file}#^{var:ref}|{var:task.stripnonalphanumeric}]]---

However, it would be nice to add the task to a section, as is done in the Tasks file itself, and would presumably look something like:

find = re.compile(r'^(## ' + re.escape(heading) + r'\n.*?)\n+#', flags = re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
replace = '\\1\n- ' + entry + '\n\n#'

if re.findall(find, original_content) == []:
    new_content = original_content + '## ' + heading + '\n- ' + entry + '\n\n#'
    new_content = re.sub(find, replace, original_content)