mach0 / qchainage

Chainage Plugin for QGIS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Put the real ID of the chained line #21

Open ilsuocero opened 4 years ago

ilsuocero commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found very interesting your plugin. I have a question: what is referring to the "fid" field? I'm asking because seems there is no connection with the chained layers. It would be wonderful to have the possibility to choose a custom field in order to have the relationship to the chained node. Regards Roberto

HerrRuin commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilsuocero the fid field is linked to the object id (OBJECTID) If only one object than the fid is usualy 0. You can show the Object ID in attribute table with $id (add a virtual field with the field calculator)

But the possibility to choose a custom field in oder to have the relationship is a good idea.

ilsuocero commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. The reason why I do not use the default id is that sometimes is null. This happens when you edit the layer in more than one step. So I created a virtual field with $id in the formula which is always updated. I named it IDF. But IDF is not shown in the chain result so I modified in a horrible way (I'm not a python programmer) the program.

This is the code, just for your knowledge:

-- coding: utf-8 --


*** - A Chainage Tool for QGIS


begin : 2012-10-06

copyright : (C) 2012 by Werner Macho

email : werner.macho at gmail dot com


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.


""" from future import print_function """ Main Chainage definitions"""

from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import ( QVariant, QCoreApplication ) from qgis.core import ( QgsVectorLayer, QgsMarkerSymbol, QgsGeometry, QgsProject, QgsField, QgsFields, QgsFeature, QgsMessageLog, QgsPoint, Qgis, QgsSingleSymbolRenderer, QgsVectorFileWriter, QgsUnitTypes )

def create_points_at(startpoint, endpoint, distance, geom, fid, IDF, force, fo_fila, divide): """Creating Points at coordinates along the line """

don't allow distance to be zero and loop endlessly

if fo_fila:
    distance = 0

if distance <= 0:
    distance = geom.length()

length = geom.length()

if length < endpoint:
    endpoint = length

if divide > 0:
    length2 = length
    if startpoint > 0:
        length2 = length - startpoint
    if endpoint > 0:
        length2 = endpoint
    if startpoint > 0 and endpoint > 0:
        length2 = endpoint - startpoint
    distance = length2 / divide
    current_distance = distance
    current_distance = distance

feats = []

if endpoint > 0:
    length = endpoint

# set the first point at startpoint
point = geom.interpolate(startpoint)
# convert 3D geometry to 2D geometry as OGR seems to have problems with this
point = QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(point.asPoint())

field_ID = QgsField(name="ID", type=QVariant.Int)
field_id = QgsField(name="id", type=QVariant.Int)
field = QgsField(name="dist", type=QVariant.Double)
fields = QgsFields()


feature = QgsFeature(fields)
feature['dist'] = startpoint
feature['id'] = fid
feature['ID'] = IDF


while startpoint + current_distance <= length:
    # Get a point along the line at the current distance
    point = geom.interpolate(startpoint + current_distance)
    # Create a new QgsFeature and assign it the new geometry
    feature = QgsFeature(fields)
    feature['dist'] = (startpoint + current_distance)
    feature['id'] = fid
    feature['ID'] = IDF
    # Increase the distance
    current_distance = current_distance + distance

# set the last point at endpoint if wanted
if force is True:
    end = geom.length()
    point = geom.interpolate(end)
    feature = QgsFeature(fields)
    feature['dist'] = end
    feature['id'] = fid
    feature['ID'] = IDF
return feats

def points_along_line(layerout, startpoint, endpoint, distance, label, layer, selected_only=True, force=False, fo_fila=False, divide=0, decimal=2): """Adding Points along the line """

crs =

# TODO check for virtual or shapelayer and set virt_layer according to it
shape = False
if shape:
    # define fields for feature attributes. A list of QgsField objects is needed
    fields = [QgsField("first", QVariant.Int),
              QgsField("second", QVariant.String)]
    # create an instance of vector file writer, which will create the vector file.
    # Arguments:
    # 1. path to new file (will fail if exists already)
    # 2. encoding of the attributes
    # 3. field map
    # 4. geometry type - from WKBTYPE enum
    # 5. layer's spatial reference (instance of
    #    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) - optional
    # 6. driver name for the output file
    writer = QgsVectorFileWriter("my_shapes.shp",
                                 "ESRI Shapefile")
    if writer.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
        # fix_print_with_import
        print("Error when creating shapefile: ", writer.hasError())
    # add a feature
    fet = QgsFeature()
    fet.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPoint(QgsPoint(10, 10)))
    fet.setAttributes([1, "text"])
    # delete the writer to flush features to disk (optional)
    del writer

    layer_type = "Shapefile"  # TODO Add Shapefile functionality here
    layer_type = "memory"

virt_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point?crs=%s" % crs,
provider = virt_layer.dataProvider()
virt_layer.startEditing()   # actually writes attributes

units =

unitname = QgsUnitTypes.toString(units)
provider.addAttributes([QgsField("fid", QVariant.Int),
                        QgsField("cng"+unitname, QVariant.Double),
                        QgsField("IDF", QVariant.Int)])

def get_features():
    """Getting the features
    if selected_only:
        return layer.selectedFeatures()
        return layer.getFeatures()

# Loop through all (selected) features
for feature in get_features():
    geom = feature.geometry()
    #ilsuocero add custom field
    attrs = feature.attributes()
    IDF = attrs[6]
    # Add feature ID of selected feature
    fid =
    if not geom:
        QgsMessageLog.logMessage("No geometry", "QChainage")

    features = create_points_at(startpoint,

proj = QgsProject.instance()

# generic labeling properties
if label:
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling", "pal")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/enabled", "true")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/fieldName", "cng")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/fontSize", "10")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/multiLineLabels", "true")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/formatNumbers", "true")
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/decimals", decimal)
    virt_layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/Size", "5")
# symbol = QgsMarkerSymbol.createSimple({"name": "capital"})
# virt_layer.setRenderer(QgsSingleSymbolRenderer(symbol))
EwenH commented 2 years ago

Hi and thank you for this excellent invaluable plugin. I would like to be able to parse some of the fields to the nodes, in my case, just my calculated $length field of the line but I am sure others have fields like "name" they might prefer.

My first thought was to allow the user to pick from a dropdown/field list, which field(s) they would like to add to each chainage node, however I found this and adding a field called parent_fid that allowed for the oddity where the parent has been edited and not saved.