machakann / vim-highlightedyank

Make the yanked region apparent!
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Difference with vim-operator-flashy? #27

Closed Asheq closed 6 years ago

Asheq commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to decide between using this and vim-operator-flashy? They both seem to work great.

I'm curious what your take is on the differences in features and quality.

machakann commented 6 years ago

vim-operator-flashy is an operator, thus it works perfect with motions and textobjects, but no way to avoid being repeated by dot command. vim-highlightedyank is not an operator, thus it has a little problem with wrong input (#19), but it is not dot-repeated.

Both of those weak points may be solved in future. For example, as for the vim-highlightedyank, #19 is solved by using TextYankPost autocommand event which is currently discussed, this event is already available with neovim.

machakann commented 6 years ago

TextYankPost event also makes this plugin free from any keymappings. With the event, a user does not need to add any keymapping settings to his vimrc.

Asheq commented 6 years ago

I see, thanks for the response! Good luck withe the TextYankPost event. I'll go ahead and close this now.