machakann / vim-sandwich

Set of operators and textobjects to search/select/edit sandwiched texts.
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Question for ib text object #126

Closed yyancy closed 3 years ago

yyancy commented 3 years ago

Hi. When I press vib, how do I choose quote content instead of tag content? eg: example.

This is my config.

" ===
" === vim-sandwich
" ===
" using surround keymapings
runtime macros/sandwich/keymap/surround.vim
" if you have not copied default recipes
let g:sandwich#recipes = deepcopy(g:sandwich#default_recipes)
" add spaces inside bracket
let g:sandwich#recipes += [
      \   {'buns': ['"', '"'], 'quoteescape': 1, 'expand_range': 0, 'nesting': 0, 'linewise': 0},
      \   {'buns': ["'", "'"], 'quoteescape': 1, 'expand_range': 0, 'nesting': 0, 'linewise': 0},
      \   {'buns': ["`", "`"], 'quoteescape': 1, 'expand_range': 0, 'nesting': 0, 'linewise': 0},
      \   {'buns': ['{ ', ' }'], 'nesting': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['add', 'replace'], 'action': ['add'], 'input': ['{']},
      \   {'buns': ['[ ', ' ]'], 'nesting': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['add', 'replace'], 'action': ['add'], 'input': ['[']},
      \   {'buns': ['( ', ' )'], 'nesting': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['add', 'replace'], 'action': ['add'], 'input': ['(']},
      \   {'buns': ['{\s*', '\s*}'],   'nesting': 1, 'regex': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['delete', 'replace', 'textobj'], 'action': ['delete'], 'input': ['{']},
      \   {'buns': ['\[\s*', '\s*\]'], 'nesting': 1, 'regex': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['delete', 'replace', 'textobj'], 'action': ['delete'], 'input': ['[']},
      \   {'buns': ['(\s*', '\s*)'],   'nesting': 1, 'regex': 1, 'match_syntax': 1, 'kind': ['delete', 'replace', 'textobj'], 'action': ['delete'], 'input': ['(']},
      \ ]
  " auto
  silent! omap <unique> ib <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i)
  silent! xmap <unique> ib <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i)
  silent! omap <unique> ab <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a)
  silent! xmap <unique> ab <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a)
  " query
  silent! omap <unique> is <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i)
  silent! xmap <unique> is <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i)
  silent! omap <unique> as <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a)
  silent! xmap <unique> as <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a)
