machawk1 / Mink

Chrome extension that uses Memento to indicate that a page a user is viewing on the live web has an archived copy and to give the user access to the copy
MIT License
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Allow user to user dropdown/column interface when viewing a capture #359

Open machawk1 opened 5 months ago

machawk1 commented 5 months ago

When viewing a memento, the only options for navigation are to go back to the live web or iterative navigate one-by-one through the next/prev/first/last. Navigating to a memento two positions away (assuming not the first or last) thereby requires the user to visit a capture they may not care about.

It would be useful to allow the user to revert to the original interface with a dropdown/Miller column.

machawk1 commented 3 months ago

This would entail surfacing the logic for creating the base Mink interface for selection from the "Viewing memento" interface. Given that the selection interface is built on activation of the extension, replicating the interface might requite more work or at least a tie-in to the current logic.