machawk1 / wail

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UI label of state of MemGator service is visually horizontally offset compared to other services #518

Closed machawk1 closed 3 years ago

machawk1 commented 3 years ago

This could be because it is executed at launch and the status filled in rather than being pre-populated.

See for an example.

Current main (osagnostic) branch.

machawk1 commented 3 years ago

If all services are running, all are aligned.

If WAIL starts with just MemGator running and OpenWayback and Heritrix services are "FIXED", the left point of the X is the center of the "OK" in the MemGator label, which indicates that the labels of OpenWayback and Heritrix are not properly aligned after changing from FIXED to OK.

Note that the header STATE and OK of state status of MemGator have the same horizontal alignment in the above linked screenshot.

Upon KILLING and FIXING MemGator, MemGator's label for state remains properly aligned.

Check the alignment values for the two other services when going from OK to KILLING or "X" to FIXING.

machawk1 commented 3 years ago

set_wayback_status(), set_heritrix_status() and set_memgator_status() are all near identical. Perhaps the original alignment on initialization.

EDIT: scratch that, all use 3 use wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL on initialization.

EDIT2: Additionally, all three call update_service_statuses() with wx.CallAfter, which handles the three labels identically.

machawk1 commented 3 years ago

An anomaly: Heritrix and Wayback using fix_async with a thread whereas the call to MemGator's fix() performs the logic directly in this named function.

machawk1 commented 3 years ago

Adding a fix_async to the MemGator class aligns the Wayback OK label for some reason, but the Heritrix status label is still offset.

Additionally, the MemGator status does not appear to have a FIXING state implemented. FIXING state added in issue-518 branch

Preliminary changes applied in the issue-518 branch.