machawk1 / wail

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Autosave/Bookmark backup #542

Open SpongebobSquamirez opened 2 years ago

SpongebobSquamirez commented 2 years ago

I've been using the wayback machine browser extension to backup my webpages until now, but lately it's been buggy, and there also seem to be some page that it just won't archive, so I'd like to use WAIL.

However, WAIL doesn't have the two features that are the whole reason I use the wayback machine extension: autosave and bookmark backup. Let's face it, we often don't realize we wanted to save a page until we go back to it and realize it's gone. So we don't always save pages we visit.

Still, I realize that saving every single page automatically is not the most convenient feature for a local backup.

Is it possible to at least integrate with your browser and autosave a page when you add it to your bookmarks? There are other parameters you could tweak as well, taking inspiration from the wayback machine extension, like only saving if it's never been backed up before by the wayback machine (or not in the last X time period, year, month, week, day, etc.), since if it's already on the wayback machine I personally don't care about backing it up locally.

Other ideas would be a bulk save bookmarks or bulk save open tabs feature, or other variations of autosaving.

I'll be honest, I can see myself remembering to use WAIL like once a year maybe, unless it has either better browser integration or a kind of configurable autosave feature. It would be pretty convenient and frankly awesome thing to add to my life if I didn't have to always remember to use it, though.

machawk1 commented 2 years ago

These are some great ideas, @weirdalsuperfan! I will break them out into separate GitHub issues to track work on them, as they will need exploration (e.g., are bookmarks accessible on the file system?) prior to implementation.