machdyne / blaustahl

Blaustahl Storage Device
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Feature requests / possible bugs #3

Open akrabu opened 2 weeks ago

akrabu commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! Loving my Blaustahl so far.

A few feature suggestions for the built-in text editor...

Bugs in the text editor

machdyne commented 2 weeks ago

The CTRL-S issue might be related to #2 which can be resolved with:

$ stty -ixon

Ultimately it might be necessary to change CTRL-S for toggling the status bar to something else. I will also consider your other key requests. One thing I want to be cautious about is making it too easy to accidentally delete something, but maybe we'll add undo at some point and it won't matter as much.

Thanks for reporting these bugs and feature requests.

machdyne commented 2 weeks ago

Some changes in 0.0.5:

The backspace issue should be fixed.

Either CTRL-S or CTRL-Q (won't freeze screen) will now toggle the status bar.

CTRL-A and CTRL-E should work in read/write and read-only modes.

CTRL-X should now act like the delete key when in write mode.

akrabu commented 2 weeks ago

One thing I want to be cautious about is making it too easy to accidentally delete something, but maybe we'll add undo at some point and it won't matter as much.

I agree, that would be unfortunate. I almost requested a way to wipe a whole page and thought better of it. Deleting just one line seemed like a better alternative - but an undo would make that even better! OR... make it work like CTRL-K in Nano. It doesn't delete the line, it cuts it. So, worst case scenario, you could just paste it back (CTRL-U). Sooo maybe cut/paste support would be a good alternative?

Some changes in 0.0.5:

Hmm.. I still can't backspace: (apologies for my dishwasher in the background lol)

Neither CTRL-S nor CTRL-Q removed the status bar for me at first, but both work after running stty -ixon.

CTRL-A appears to get intercepted by screen. Didn't think of that when I made the request 😅 CTRL-E works, though!

CTRL-X also works fine 👍


Ps. I tried using minicom, and CTRL-A and CTRL-E work. But now I can't exit Minicom because I'm supposed to hit CTRL-A then X to exit, apparently haha. CTRL-S/Q also work. CTRL-X works fine as well. Buuut PGUP/DN don't work, and I can't change pages.

machdyne commented 2 weeks ago

Because screen uses CTRL-A you need to press CTRL-A then A.

Similarly, CTRL-A S should toggle the status bar.

In Minicom, try CTRL-A CTRL-A.

PGUP/PGDN is working for me in Minicom, and CTRL-A then Q to quit.

I wonder what result you get from pageup/down after running:

$ showkey -a

With backspace, I only fixed the previous line bug and didn't change the behavior. Backspace only removes the character to the left of the cursor. To delete the last character on a line you'd still need to use delete or CTRL-X.

I think cut/paste would be useful, maybe paste would only be allowed into a blank area.

akrabu commented 2 weeks ago

CTRL-A, A just says "no other window":

CTRL-A, S doesn't appear to do anything.

CTRL-A, Q doesn't appear to work in Minicom - I have to "killall minicom" in another window.

Showkey doesn't appear to capture PGUP/PGDN - it just pages up and down in the terminal as usual:

Neither PGUP nor PGDN appear to work properly in Minicom. I think it's just paging up and down in the Terminal window itself:

Ah yes, I can't reproduce the backspace bug - thanks!

akrabu commented 3 days ago

I got the app Serial and everything seems to work in that. It even automatically finds my Blaustahl. When I first load it, the screen is blank, but a PgDn or CTRL+L gets it to redraw the screen. 👍

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 6 11 34 PM

Still can't get minicom or screen to hide the status bar, though.

Ps. I love this little thing. May have to check out some of your computers!

machdyne commented 3 days ago

I just tested screen on OS X and was able to toggle the status bar using: [ctrl-a] [release] then 's'.

akrabu commented 2 days ago

Ohhhh I got it. I was doing CTRL+A, CTRL+S - but needed to do CTRL+A, S. Thanks!