machinamentum / PocketTool

36 stars 67 forks source link

Proposed Acquisition #48

Closed liberodark closed 11 years ago

liberodark commented 11 years ago


I wish to propose a buyout of your project. If you want more precision told me.


machinamentum commented 11 years ago

This is an open source project. Selling the Copyright or any applicable rights to the algorithms and/or design of this program would be in violation of the ideas and practice of "free" software. Feel free to use this software within the terms of the currently established open source license (see Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0).

liberodark commented 11 years ago

I would then like you to change the type of license!

liberodark commented 11 years ago

this could be good for you if you pay for your project? Regards

ghost commented 11 years ago

No...this would be an injustice and disservice to every contributor to this project...Nexus I believe did this which resulted in a fork and death of the commercial side... must obtain permission from every contributor and compensate them for this to be even marginally ethical...even then this project will fork at the news and you will be wasting your time and resources...

...leave it open source and fund it instead similar to Linux, otherwise your efforts are an insult and in vain

liberodark commented 11 years ago

je ne parle que de l'acheter pas de le faire payer. Il restera gratuit.


ghost commented 11 years ago

Luckily I'm bilingual...