machine-drivers / docker-machine-driver-hyperkit

Machine driver for hyperkit
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 34 forks source link

Temporary Error: Could not find an IP address for #12

Open zoltan-nz opened 5 years ago

zoltan-nz commented 5 years ago

Hi Team, thanks for your hard work.

I'm playing with minikube, minishift and docker-machine. Mainly with hyperkit driver. Following the official instructions minikube and minishift starts without any problem. They can get proper IP numbers also, so almost everything right.

Environment: macOS Mojave 10.14.4

I just wanted to create a default docker-machine with hyperkit and I get the following error all the time, doesn't matter how I try it.

$docker-machine -D start default

Docker Machine Version:  0.16.1, build cce350d7
Found binary path at /Users/zoltan/.brew/bin/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
Launching plugin server for driver hyperkit
Plugin server listening at address
() Calling .GetVersion
Using API Version  1
() Calling .SetConfigRaw
() Calling .GetMachineName
command=start machine=default
Starting "default"...
(default) Calling .GetState
(default) Calling .Start
(default) Using UUID
(default) Generated MAC ae:90:7b:61:73:82
(default) Starting with cmdline: loglevel=3 console=ttyS0 console=tty0 waitusb=5:LABEL=boot2docker-data base norestore noembed
IP address never found in dhcp leases file Temporary Error: Could not find an IP address for ae:90:7b:61:73:82
Temporary Error: Could not find an IP address for ae:90:7b:61:73:82
Temporary Error: Could not find an IP address for ae:90:7b:61:73:82
Temporary Error: Could not find an IP address for ae:90:7b:61:73:82

I tried with and without dnsmasq also. Always get the same error. I tried with and without IPAddress and with and without Cmdline.

Default's config.json:

    "ConfigVersion": 3,
    "Driver": {
        "IPAddress": "",
        "MachineName": "default",
        "SSHUser": "",
        "SSHPort": 0,
        "SSHKeyPath": "",
        "StorePath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine",
        "SwarmMaster": false,
        "SwarmHost": "",
        "SwarmDiscovery": "",
        "Boot2DockerURL": "",
        "DiskSize": 0,
        "CPU": 0,
        "Memory": 0,
        "Cmdline": "loglevel=3 console=ttyS0 console=tty0 waitusb=5:LABEL=boot2docker-data base norestore noembed",
        "NFSShares": null,
        "NFSSharesRoot": "",
        "UUID": "",
        "BootKernel": "",
        "BootInitrd": "",
        "Initrd": "",
        "Vmlinuz": ""
    "DriverName": "hyperkit",
    "HostOptions": {
        "Driver": "",
        "Memory": 0,
        "Disk": 0,
        "EngineOptions": {
            "ArbitraryFlags": [],
            "Dns": null,
            "GraphDir": "",
            "Env": [],
            "Ipv6": false,
            "InsecureRegistry": [],
            "Labels": [],
            "LogLevel": "",
            "StorageDriver": "",
            "SelinuxEnabled": false,
            "TlsVerify": true,
            "RegistryMirror": [],
            "InstallURL": ""
        "SwarmOptions": {
            "IsSwarm": false,
            "Address": "",
            "Discovery": "",
            "Agent": false,
            "Master": false,
            "Host": "tcp://",
            "Image": "swarm:latest",
            "Strategy": "spread",
            "Heartbeat": 0,
            "Overcommit": 0,
            "ArbitraryFlags": [],
            "ArbitraryJoinFlags": [],
            "Env": null,
            "IsExperimental": false
        "AuthOptions": {
            "CertDir": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/certs",
            "CaCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem",
            "CaPrivateKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/certs/ca-key.pem",
            "CaCertRemotePath": "",
            "ServerCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/machines/default/server.pem",
            "ServerKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/machines/default/server-key.pem",
            "ClientKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/certs/key.pem",
            "ServerCertRemotePath": "",
            "ServerKeyRemotePath": "",
            "ClientCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem",
            "ServerCertSANs": [],
            "StorePath": "/Users/zoltan/.docker/machine/machines/default"
    "Name": "default"

This is the minikube's config.json. It works like a charm.

    "ConfigVersion": 3,
    "Driver": {
        "IPAddress": "",
        "MachineName": "minikube",
        "SSHUser": "docker",
        "SSHPort": 22,
        "SSHKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa",
        "StorePath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube",
        "SwarmMaster": false,
        "SwarmHost": "",
        "SwarmDiscovery": "",
        "Boot2DockerURL": "file:///Users/zoltan/.minikube/cache/iso/minikube-v1.0.0.iso",
        "DiskSize": 20000,
        "CPU": 2,
        "Memory": 2048,
        "Cmdline": "loglevel=3 user=docker console=ttyS0 console=tty0 noembed nomodeset norestore waitusb=10 systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes base host=minikube",
        "NFSShares": [],
        "NFSSharesRoot": "/nfsshares",
        "UUID": "629bd64e-5939-11e9-8451-f45c898e3fa7",
        "BootKernel": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/machines/minikube/b2d-image/boot/bzImage",
        "BootInitrd": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/machines/minikube/b2d-image/boot/initrd",
        "Initrd": "initrd",
        "Vmlinuz": "bzImage"
    "DriverName": "hyperkit",
    "HostOptions": {
        "Driver": "",
        "Memory": 0,
        "Disk": 0,
        "EngineOptions": {
            "ArbitraryFlags": null,
            "Dns": null,
            "GraphDir": "",
            "Env": null,
            "Ipv6": false,
            "InsecureRegistry": [
            "Labels": null,
            "LogLevel": "",
            "StorageDriver": "",
            "SelinuxEnabled": false,
            "TlsVerify": false,
            "RegistryMirror": null,
            "InstallURL": ""
        "SwarmOptions": {
            "IsSwarm": false,
            "Address": "",
            "Discovery": "",
            "Agent": false,
            "Master": false,
            "Host": "tcp://",
            "Image": "swarm:latest",
            "Strategy": "spread",
            "Heartbeat": 0,
            "Overcommit": 0,
            "ArbitraryFlags": null,
            "ArbitraryJoinFlags": null,
            "Env": null,
            "IsExperimental": false
        "AuthOptions": {
            "CertDir": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube",
            "CaCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/certs/ca.pem",
            "CaPrivateKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/certs/ca-key.pem",
            "CaCertRemotePath": "",
            "ServerCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/machines/server.pem",
            "ServerKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/machines/server-key.pem",
            "ClientKeyPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/certs/key.pem",
            "ServerCertRemotePath": "",
            "ServerKeyRemotePath": "",
            "ClientCertPath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube/certs/cert.pem",
            "ServerCertSANs": null,
            "StorePath": "/Users/zoltan/.minikube"
    "Name": "minikube"

Hope there is some trick what I can try to launch a default docker machine. Thanks. :)

nomasprime commented 5 years ago

Having a similar problem: works with minikube but not with docker machine. Driving me nuts.

zoltan-nz commented 5 years ago

@nomasprime I haven't found any solution... Probably the best option to switch to Linux or run the whole stuff in Linux VM...

nomasprime commented 5 years ago

@zoltan-nz thanks for letting me know.

I've only just started playing around with this stuff so no clue and a bit concerned that this project doesn't seem to have much support.

Docker for Mac seems to work OK so I'm wondering what the difference is between the two.

zoltan-nz commented 5 years ago

@nomasprime you can find my notes in the following repositories' README, I played a little bit with these tools to find out which could be a smooth solution for research projects or for teaching, practicing...

Maybe try out these steps: