machine-drivers / docker-machine-driver-xhyve

docker-machine/minikube/minishift driver plugin for xhyve/hyperkit (native macOS hypervisor.framework)
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Images not cleaned up properly #151

Open r2d4 opened 7 years ago

r2d4 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if this actually affects functionality, but I think these images should be cleaned up even if the machine fails to start somehow.

This is from our jenkins machine where we are running xhyve CI tests. I get together our jenkins jobs results to correlate the failures with these processes and that might help debug it some more.

Let me know if i can provide any more info. It should also be OK to remove these images with hdiutil for now?


jenkins$ ps aux | grep uuid
root            68459   0.0  0.1  2506380  15552   ??  Ss   Fri03PM   0:00.06 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid B9B977BD-738F-4D5B-A855-438D186653BA -post-exec 4
root            58213   0.0  0.1  2506380  11640   ??  Ss   Thu01PM   0:00.80 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid D0987144-4CC8-4DD8-AE9F-95D0E29C3768 -post-exec 4
root            56561   0.0  0.1  2506380  11620   ??  Ss   Thu12PM   0:00.10 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 15F4108C-A81C-47F9-81E5-55F6DC6A39AD -post-exec 4
root            56501   0.0  0.1  2506380  11592   ??  Ss   Thu12PM   0:00.80 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 401DD871-FC4D-4D5C-9266-B7C69A13823D -post-exec 4
root            33588   0.0  0.1  2506380  11580   ??  Ss   Tue11AM   0:00.95 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid B29D543E-AEE1-44B2-B86D-56D93625E958 -post-exec 4
root            27316   0.0  0.1  2506380  11552   ??  Ss   Mon01PM   0:00.99 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 97E0E176-3EFA-44D8-8C8D-255A8CBE6485 -post-exec 4
root            11165   0.0  0.1  2506396  11564   ??  Ss    4Nov16   0:00.36 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 6C953690-2CFF-48CE-81F9-C2F168187C2E -post-exec 4
root            98305   0.0  0.1  2506396  11760   ??  Ss    3Nov16   0:00.53 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 40A33C2F-B8E1-4A00-82B5-71EB7E56567D -post-exec 4
root            96355   0.0  0.1  2506396  11644   ??  Ss    3Nov16   0:00.54 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid E3EF375A-3428-4DCC-9A7E-8333962CBF2C -post-exec 4
root            96293   0.0  0.1  2506396  11652   ??  Ss    3Nov16   0:01.13 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 9AD84EF4-E24E-4B76-AAB7-6E15602D294F -post-exec 4
root            96214   0.0  0.1  2506396  11620   ??  Ss    3Nov16   0:01.13 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 9BB591E1-A27F-4034-8B2D-356CF7F2D9F9 -post-exec 4
root            76379   0.0  0.1  2506396  11664   ??  Ss    1Nov16   0:01.24 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 71293DD5-6D99-47AC-8C22-66066AD7AB66 -post-exec 4
root            75521   0.0  0.1  2506396  11648   ??  Ss    1Nov16   0:00.70 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid E5C8347E-91F3-4EF8-8EEC-C584F6F836D0 -post-exec 4
root            66668   0.0  0.1  2506396  11644   ??  Ss    1Nov16   0:01.30 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 02DE67FE-2019-435B-B1AA-A6804C4CEF09 -post-exec 4
root            51350   0.0  0.1  2506396  11684   ??  Ss   31Oct16   0:01.38 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 4F34AA29-15D0-4EE7-A493-4996E0F56E7D -post-exec 4
root            23470   0.0  0.1  2506396  11652   ??  Ss   30Oct16   0:01.55 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 56FF46C8-E760-4CFF-98B9-D1C73CA17F00 -post-exec 4
root            22240   0.0  0.1  2506396  11632   ??  Ss   30Oct16   0:01.55 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 8E684F0A-A265-4680-9420-AD0F3BE8C357 -post-exec 4
root            21319   0.0  0.1  2506396  11676   ??  Ss   29Oct16   0:01.57 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid C849C2DB-D3CC-4106-BB86-324F910CEC9C -post-exec 4
root            20186   0.0  0.1  2506396  11712   ??  Ss   29Oct16   0:01.57 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid CC683287-52F5-4140-B36C-D399F51B9180 -post-exec 4
root            18702   0.0  0.1  2506396  11688   ??  Ss   29Oct16   0:01.58 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid F1948F34-763D-40B2-8421-B22F70934BA7 -post-exec 4
root            15997   0.0  0.1  2506396  11724   ??  Ss   28Oct16   0:01.61 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid C4B54F50-2F2E-434F-A433-BA47A4520DE0 -post-exec 4
root            73291   0.0  0.1  2506404  11764   ??  Ss   25Oct16   0:01.88 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid ECF8AE7A-0D75-4729-8205-6CAF08272DC0 -post-exec 4
root            60950   0.0  0.1  2506404  11784   ??  Ss   24Oct16   0:01.97 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid E00D503D-45B0-4E56-A5BB-1814F3C05E59 -post-exec 4
root            60040   0.0  0.1  2506404  11816   ??  Ss   24Oct16   0:01.81 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 38614931-3D1D-45E9-A7A3-AE6CCCDEE677 -post-exec 4
root            50310   0.0  0.1  2506404  11868   ??  Ss   24Oct16   0:01.95 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 9164278A-0DD6-494B-BC02-5BAA68CC0D83 -post-exec 4
root            47812   0.0  0.1  2506404  11848   ??  Ss   21Oct16   0:02.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid D6B9146F-D1F4-4783-8D9E-A45AA5F36C74 -post-exec 4
root            43723   0.0  0.1  2506404  11896   ??  Ss   21Oct16   0:02.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 006713A6-E063-413C-8E47-AB5893C6FF25 -post-exec 4
root            31259   0.0  0.1  2506404  11836   ??  Ss   20Oct16   0:02.18 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid A40326A9-ECEE-42C8-95F0-3C00829DFF96 -post-exec 4
root            28192   0.0  0.1  2506404  11780   ??  Ss   20Oct16   0:02.24 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid EC71E47E-3C8C-4DE6-9698-9DF024F3C9D8 -post-exec 4
root            24403   0.0  0.1  2506404  11884   ??  Ss   20Oct16   0:02.36 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 00A91F56-6EA7-4068-B505-E6562C01F774 -post-exec 4
root            18556   0.0  0.1  2506404  11780   ??  Ss   20Oct16   0:02.33 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid 822DC1C6-9BF9-45F1-8DDB-CFB035506629 -post-exec 4
root            11842   0.0  0.1  2506404  11752   ??  Ss   19Oct16   0:02.40 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper -uuid A3D5466E-15F6-4105-8D19-3D8AB517ABCD -post-exec 4

A portion of the output from hdiutil info (its repeated for each process above)

image-type      : sparse bundle disk image
system-image    : false
blockcount      : 40960000
blocksize       : 512
writeable       : TRUE
autodiskmount   : false
removable       : TRUE
image-encrypted : false
mounting user   : root
mounting mode   : <unknown>
process ID      : 50310
image-path      : /Users/jenkins/.minikube/machines/minikube/root-volume.sparsebundle
image-alias     :
shadow-path     : <none>
icon-path       : /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/CDiskImage.icns
image-type      : sparse bundle disk image
system-image    : false
blockcount      : 40960000
blocksize       : 512
writeable       : TRUE
autodiskmount   : false
removable       : TRUE
image-encrypted : false
mounting user   : root
mounting mode   : <unknown>
process ID      : 60040
image-path      : /Users/jenkins/.minikube/machines/minikube/root-volume.sparsebundle
image-alias     :
shadow-path     : <none>
icon-path       : /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/CDiskImage.icns
image-type      : sparse bundle disk image
system-image    : false
blockcount      : 40960000
blocksize       : 512
writeable       : TRUE
autodiskmount   : false
removable       : TRUE
image-encrypted : false
mounting user   : root
mounting mode   : <unknown>
process ID      : 60950
/dev/disk10 FDisk_partition_scheme
/dev/disk10s1   Linux
/dev/disk10s2   Linux_Swap
zchee commented 7 years ago

@r2d4 I'm not sure google's jenkins setup environment, but it certainly will not be cleaned up.

i.e. send the SIGINT by manually before the and minikube delete. After that, will can't eject because root-volume.sparsebundle still root permission. or etc.

I do not know whether your problem will solve, but I'll add cleanup disk image process.

zchee commented 7 years ago

@r2d4 Also, although there may be information disclosure restrictions, Could you post jenkins' test content as much as possible?

zchee commented 7 years ago

@r2d4 Do you know what that diskimages-helper -uuid *****? Are them the same as the uuid used to get IP?