machine / machine.specifications

Machine.Specifications is a Context/Specification framework for .NET that removes language noise and simplifies tests.
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Exceptions thrown from Async test delegates do not have stack traces #521

Closed neilrees closed 2 months ago

neilrees commented 2 months ago

If an exception is thrown from a async function the stack trace is not captured by the test runner.

For example:

Establish context = async () =>
    await Task.Delay(1);
    throw new Exception("Test exception");

Produces as test output:

System.Exception: Test exception

Test exception
  Exception doesn't have a stacktrace

Where as a syncronous method:

Establish context = () =>
    throw new Exception("Test exception");


System.Exception: Test exception

Test exception
   at MspecExceptions.ExceptionTests.it_tests.<>c.<.ctor>b__2_1() in W:\skunkworks\MspecExceptions\MspecExceptions\ExceptionTests.cs:line 65
   at InvokeStub_It.Invoke(Object, Object, IntPtr*)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr)

Behavior is the same in Rider, dotnet test and Visual Studio.

Tested with:

    <PackageReference Include="Machine.Specifications" Version="1.1.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Machine.Specifications.Runner.VisualStudio" Version="2.10.2" />
    <PackageReference Include="Machine.Specifications.Should" Version="1.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.10.0" />

Here's a test class that repros the issue for Establish, Because and It delegates:

public class ExceptionTests
    public class when_establish_throws
        public class when_establish_is_async
            Establish context = async () =>
                await Task.Delay(1);
                throw new Exception("Test exception");

            It never_gets_here = () => { };

        public class when_establish_is_sync
            Establish context = () =>
                throw new Exception("Test exception");

            It never_gets_here = () => { };
    public class when_because_throws

        public class when_because_is_async
            Because of_an_unhandled_exception = async () =>
                await Task.Delay(1);
                throw new Exception("Test exception");

            It never_gets_here = () => { };

        public class when_because_is_sync
            Because of_an_unhandled_exception = () =>
                throw new Exception("Test exception");

            It never_gets_here = () => { };

    public class when_it_throws
        It is_async = async () =>
            await Task.Delay(1);
            throw new Exception("Test exception");

        It is_sync = () =>
            throw new Exception("Test exception");
neilrees commented 2 months ago

Suspect it's due to the exception being re-thrown in DelegateRunner and overwriting the stack trace

Which subsequently gets entirely filtered out in ExceptionResult:

robertcoltheart commented 2 months ago

This has been released as v1.1.2