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Swap Drop-In TNuts for Stamped Slide-In TNuts #128

Closed Poofjunior closed 3 years ago

Poofjunior commented 3 years ago

This is planned for 2.1.3.

Drop-in TNuts are convenient for after-the-fact add-ons to 2020 extrusions, but one issue folks have encountered is that they don't always seat properly. That is, they don't always twist into the 2020 slot, so you end up tightening it into... (itself?) (nothing?) the original part you're trying to attach. The issue is that you can't always tell when drop-in TNuts are seating correctly unless the thing your attaching is transparent (like an acrylic panel).

The plan is to swap all Drop-In T Nuts for the (cheaper and honestly more reliable) Stamped Slide-In TNuts.

There are two challenges here:

  1. Because the TNuts need to be slid down the length of the extrusion, the instructions need to be completely revamped to tell you when to install them.
  2. Because the TNuts can slide freely, gravity will pull them down if they are supposed to attach something vertical. Springs as noted here can prevent this. And the 0.4x8x5mm springs here look like good candidates for the few cases where this matters.

Overall, these TNuts are wayy cheaper. Throwing in a few backing springs makes them about the same price as the Drop-in variants, so we're not really adding expense to the overall BOM.