machineagency / jubilee

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rrf3 home macro fix #156

Closed grzesiekn closed 3 years ago

grzesiekn commented 3 years ago

When I try to home X axes first I getting message "G28 may not be used within a homing file". Any solution for this - except: home U,Y first. I think You can replace G28 with M98 P"home?.g" Affected files homex.g and homez.g

It will be good idea to add an IF before Rapid moves in tfree, tpost, tpre files if move.axes[1].userPosition >= 305 G0 Y305 F20000 ; Rapid to safe y position

It looks like in the file confg.g M950 commands is missing that defines heater fans: M950 F1 C"fan1" ; Fan 1, heater cooler fan on Tool 0 M950 F3 C"fan3" ; Fan 2, heater cooler fan on Tool 1

Poofjunior commented 3 years ago

Ok; I think this actually got fixed on Feb 11.

If there's still an issue, fee free to comment in the thread. But I'll close it for now.