machineagency / jubilee

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Add a temperature Preheat to the Bed before probe in Beginning GCode #167

Open edskull opened 3 years ago

edskull commented 3 years ago

Add M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] (or equivalent arguement if slicer allows) before the probe to reduce errors due to bed expansion

edskull commented 3 years ago

Example: G91 ; relative moves G1 Z1 F900 ; raise tool 1mm M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Set Bed Temp M104 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T[current_extruder] ; Set first tool temp G90 ; absolute moves T-1 ; Make sure nothing is parked on the carriage G0 X150 Y150 F10000; Move to the center of the print area M558 F500 ; Set the probing speed M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Wait for Bed Temp G30 ; Do a single probe M558 F50 ; Set a slower probing speed G30 ; Do a second probe G29 S1 ; Load Heightmap.csv T[current_extruder]

Poofjunior commented 3 years ago

Yeah; if this is supported in the slicer, we should definitely add a check like this. The bed probing is kind of a hack to fix this issue as-is, but waiting till the bed comes up to temperature before reprobing is a better approach.

edskull commented 3 years ago

Thinking further on this, and im not sure if this is possible in firmware due to limitations, but one could use the Material information for the toolplate to calculate the difference between printing temperature and probing temperature. going from 20C to 80C for example would give a difference of around 0.036mm, negligible for most but i suppose for people doing high temp stuff this might become significant