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Built Plate Assembly instructions PDF - clarify where mag sheet and heater go #178

Open kelliead opened 3 years ago

kelliead commented 3 years ago

There is confusion about what side to stick magnets and heaters, and where. This could be clarified in language, or possibly a figure, on the pdf!

On sheet 12 of 13, it references the 713Maker bed as if it has embedded magnets, but they also sell one without embedded magnets. This has led at least one builder to accidentally install the magnet sheet and the heater onto the same side of the plate, like a sandwich: heater --> mag sheet --> plate, because they have a non-magnetic plate from 713. Oh no!

Suggest clarifying the language on sheet 12, to say something like, "Install the heater on the bottom of the build plate (the side with the kinematic balls). If your plate came with embedded magnets, it will go on top of the embedded magnets. If your plate has a magnetic sheet installed (as on sheet 2 of these instructions), that should be on the top. Do not install an adhesive mag sheet and heater on the same side of the plate."

A couple of figures (one for a non-embedded-magnets plate, one for an embedded-magnets plate) illustrating the sandwich order of these components might also be helpful here to prevent expensive or time consuming mistakes!