machineagency / jubilee

jubilee source files; for the docs, see:
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aluminum carraige #196

Closed Nanotech45 closed 2 years ago

Nanotech45 commented 2 years ago

added initial files for aluminum carriage

Nanotech45 commented 2 years ago

Quick note that the twist lock spacer has a configuration that is 2.05mm longer than the standard length.

Nanotech45 commented 2 years ago

Also, there are printed part configurations for both 6mm and 9mm belts.

Poofjunior commented 2 years ago

Really fantastic job on this! I might move the folder structure around a bit, but this is a great starting point for me to start cracking away on instructions.

And I must say the installed prototype on my machine makes for a noticeably stiffer tool-to-machine interface.