machinebox / issues

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Improve dealing with MB_FACEBOX_DISABLE_RECOGNITION in console and API #14

Closed montanaflynn closed 5 years ago

montanaflynn commented 6 years ago

When I first set up facebox I turned off recognition because I wanted it to be fast. Fast forward a week later and I wanted to try it out but could not get the API to accept any requests to /facebox/teach endpoint. The API only returned a 404 error with no message.

Finally I figured out when I had disabled recognition it also disabled teaching. I don't think this is clear in the environment variable definition.

MB_FACEBOX_DISABLE_RECOGNITION - (bool) Defaults to false - If you only need face detection, the recognition algorithms can be disabled by setting this variable to true, saving resources.

My suggestions would be:

  1. Update the definition so it states this environment variable also disables teaching.
  2. Put a warning in the "Teach face" section of the console if it has been disabled by the env var.
  3. Make the API return a status other than 404 with a message saying it has been disabled by the env var.
dahernan commented 6 years ago

Nice suggestions, we probably implement all of them, we'll keep you post it

matryer commented 6 years ago

@dahernan Let's schedule this work, or close the issue if it's not something we're going to do in light of upcoming API changes.

dahernan commented 5 years ago

disabled recognition is not a common feature and only used in very few cases, so we decide to not change the API