machinebox / issues

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Running Machinebox in the background #22

Closed arsaboo closed 6 years ago

arsaboo commented 6 years ago

I ran the docker run command that are listed on the website

arsaboo@aloknuc:~$ sudo docker run -p 8081:8080 -e "MB_KEY=$MB_KEY" machinebox/classificationbox
2018/03/13 14:55:48 Number of MB_WORKERS is set to 1
[INFO]     starting...

        Welcome to Classificationbox by Machine Box
        (classificationbox e8f4a2e)

        Visit the console to see what this box can do:

        If you have any questions or feedback, get in touch:

        Please consider buying a subscription:

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        Tell us what you build on Twitter @machineboxio

[INFO]     box ready

However, I cannot get back to the command prompt. If I use CTRL+C, it shuts down the container

^C[INFO]     shutting down...
[ERROR]    post shutdown: accept tcp [::]:8080: use of closed network connection

How do I run the container in the background so that I can use my machine for other tasks?

dahernan commented 6 years ago

You can pass -d to run docker in background.

Please check docker documentation for reference