machinekit / QtQuickVcp

A Virtual Control Panel for Machinekit written in Qt/C++/QML
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Failed QtQuickVcp installation using Vagrant on Windows 10 #306

Open MahmoudWali opened 1 year ago

MahmoudWali commented 1 year ago


I tried to setup QtQuickVcp using Vagrant on Windows 10 x64. I follow the instruction in, when I run "vagrant up" from cmd it launchs only the Machinekit SDK without the GUI as in attached picture.

I also tried to run cmd "vagrant provision" but without useful.

Can you please guide me how to setup the QtQuickVcp using vagrant on windows, any help will be appreciated.

Thank you


vagrant provision

machinekoder commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, the Vagrant guide is out of date. You can try the "Hard way"

However, it might be sufficient to run MachinekitClient in live-coding mode to write a small UI.