machinekoder / speed-friending-and-dating-matcher

Matching Software for Speed Friending and Dating Events
MIT License
7 stars 10 forks source link

auswertung beliebtester user #6

Open mikulabc opened 7 years ago

mikulabc commented 7 years ago

output in the todo.txt file at the end of the todos a simple one liner:

EXAMPLE RESULT: "Winner of the Event with most votes (people that wrote down his or her number) is: Max Mustermann with 35 Votes"

mikulabc commented 7 years ago

or maybe even a ranking like so:

Alexander - 34 Points Jenny - 14 Points Tina - 11 Points Max - 5 Points

schwarzeszeux commented 6 years ago

Just to give my 2c here, I don't like the idea of rankings. I'd consider it a win of I made a friend, not being on the top of a popularity contest