machsix / Super-preloader

Userscript to enable autopagerizing as well as preloading
GNU General Public License v3.0
576 stars 83 forks source link

Returning single pageElement when multiple available in response #490

Closed narcolepticinsomniac closed 3 years ago

narcolepticinsomniac commented 3 years ago

Chromium & Firefox stable SPL 6.15.8 with or w/out adblock TM beta/GreaseMonkey

Example rule and URL:

    "name": "snahp",
    "url": "^https?://(www\\.)?snahp\\.it.*",
    "pageElement": "css;.post-list > .post-row",
    "exampleUrl": "",
    "nextLink": "css;link[rel=next]",
    "autopager": {
        "separator": false

On a side note, I don't even understand how to reliably specify whether a navigation bar is shown anymore. There's now a "Navigation bar" checkbox in settings, enabled by default, which apparently ignores "separator": false. Disabling it isn't persistent, as it seems to re-enable itself when the browser cache is cleared.

Killogy commented 3 years ago


    "name": "snahp",
    "url": "^https?://(www\\.)?snahp\\.it.*",
    "nextLink": "css;.nextpostslink",
    "exampleUrl": "",
    "autopager": {
        "separator": false