machty / emblem.js

Emblem.js - Ember-friendly, indented syntax alternative for Handlebars.js
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Update handlebars for htmlbars compat #188

Closed patricklx closed 9 years ago

patricklx commented 9 years ago

WIP, needs some help/review and discussion :) current htmlbars handlebars goes to commit

I started by renaming AST names, which maybe wasn't the best idea, didn't expect many changes summary/todo:


machty commented 9 years ago

@patricklx this is looking pretty good; are there any changes you'd like to make to it before I merge it in?

patricklx commented 9 years ago

I think its ok. But block parameters are not supported, and htmlbars is already using them. But maybe not so important right now? I am using ember canary, i had to adapt the emblem-ember-cli compiler to use the emblem ast and input it to the htmlbars compiler. I was able to make it work with custom ast plugins for each and with. But i think it works with normal EmberHandlebars, but better check again

lai commented 9 years ago

I'm really excited about what's happening here. @patricklx are you planning on adding the block param syntax soon? I took a look at wycats/handlebars.js@b8a9f72 and if you're not on it yet I can give a try hopefully this week.

machty commented 9 years ago

@patricklx I'm realizing something that may not bode very well for this PR... there are now three major Handlebars AST versions, and version 1 had breaking changes, and it's exhausting (and not very fruitful honestly) to depend on an ever-moving Handlebars AST when maybe it makes more sense for Emblem to output Handlebars text, which hasn't had a breaking changing throughout Handlebars' lifetime. I've run this idea by a few other Ember core team members (and Handlebars maintainers) and it seems like it might be the better way to go.

It would mean that I wouldn't be able to use the code in this PR, so I wanted to take this opportunity to get your opinion on this and make sure I'm not missing some crucial detail before I make a rash decision; I appreciate the time you've put into prepping Emblem for the HTMLbars move, but I want to make sure we're not setting ourselves up for a black hole investment in maintaining an Emblem-Hbs dependency hell.

patricklx commented 9 years ago

Yes, i had the same feeling while working on this.

I think the best would be to get rid of any handlebars ast inside of emblem and directly compile to html+handlebars expression.

I think that would be way more maintainable.

mmun commented 9 years ago

By html+handlebars expression you mean Handlebars source code, (e.g. the string Hello {{name}}), right?

patricklx commented 9 years ago

Exactly So div hello {{name}} would be compiled to <div>hello {{name}}</div>

lai commented 9 years ago

If I understand correctly, Emblem still need to add the block param syntax support regardless what the output will be. It seems to me the amount of work of changing the output to Handlebars template is much more than just adding block params to this PR and things will just work now.

@machty what do you think of adding block params support? do you expect this to take place before the output refactor? and lastly, is there a time frame the output change can happen? (I don't really expect an answer for this last one since people are working on this on their own time and I'm grateful this work can benefit the whole community.)

piotrpalek commented 9 years ago

I am with @lai here, not to pressure anyone (or sound ungrateful) but I just think that this PR is "almost done", and it would be a waste to not add block params (which would benefit many people, including me of course :) ) and change the inner workings after that.

patricklx commented 9 years ago

How is it? @lai, are you working on blockParams? Somehow i thought blockParams are a requirement for using htmlbars, but they are not. We just need an extra step to transform each and with.

I adapted the broccoli-emblem-compiler . I took another approach in the each/with-transform... well, i thought only blockParams work. Maybe this can be done better, using the ember AST plugins?

Anyway, by creating handlebars source we could also go around this issue?

Is someone already working on creating a Emblem->handlebars source version?

mmun commented 9 years ago

The Handlebars and HTMLBars AST are not stable yet. The string strategy seems correct to me at least until then.

machty commented 9 years ago

@patricklx I'm working on the Emblem->Hbs source. I don't think I can use any code from this PR, so closing for now. I really really really appreciate the work and wished we'd figured it out sooner that targeting Handlebars text was the better way to go.

patricklx commented 9 years ago

ok, no problem! While your at it, can you try to make error messaging better?

From what i saw, the problem is that a whole line will be matched at once, if one part fails, all fails. E.g. We can immediately detect if the beginning of the line is a tag or a helper. But if something fails it should throw an error and not try other matches. Maybe this could be easily done in the new implementation?

machty commented 9 years ago

A lot of that is tied to the PEG parser; could you take a look at PEG.js and see if there's been some improvements in this area?

patricklx commented 9 years ago

ok. I did read something some days ago: here it is: PEGjs will backtrack to the last named rule! Which currently is beginStatement. I just did some changes to emblem, removed the named rules BeginStatement and contentStatement and named some others-> way better error message

machty commented 9 years ago

Nice... would be interested in a PR for that if it definitely improves the experience :)