machwatt / sf_filecollection_gallery

Simple Image Gallery für TYPO3 CMS which renders a FileCollection containing static or folder based images.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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pagination-template (version 1.5.0) #91

Open wini2 opened 5 years ago

wini2 commented 5 years ago

after updating to the new version from your latest dev-version a week or two ago, i can't edit the pagination-template anymore. i moved my tempate to fileadmin. the hints given in #73 and #85 don't work. cache is cleared self-evidently.

regards wini2

Patta commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this (

machwatt commented 5 years ago

Thanks to @Patta you should be able to use your template via: widget.paginate.templateRootPath

wini2 commented 5 years ago

after merging the patches the problem still persists. i'm not sure if the problem is caused by or resolvable through sf_filecollection_gallery. as long as a Index.html-file in typo3_src-9.5.5/typo3/sysext/fluid/Resources/Private/Templates/ViewHelpers/Widget/Paginate existist, the file in my fileadmin-folder will not replace it.

maybe it is a core-issue (

machwatt commented 5 years ago

I'll try to investigate further into it. I am really out of time lately. The PR @Patta made is the recommended way doing it. All Core issues regarding widget templates are open / reopened... (

Patta commented 5 years ago

@wini2 i dont test it with fileadmin, but after you set the root path for the paginate template in the constant, the custom paginate template need to be placed in ViewHelpers/Widget/Paginate in the root path.

If your constant is plugin.tx_sffilecollectiongallery.view.widget.paginate.templateRootPath = EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/SfFilecollectionGallery/ the path to the paginate index.html file must look like this EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/SfFilecollectionGallery/ViewHelpers/Widget/Paginate/Index.html

As long as no bugfix version is released, you can set the root path in setup: plugin.tx_sffilecollectiongallery.view.widget.TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Widget\PaginateViewHelper.templateRootPaths.1 = EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/SfFilecollectionGallery/

machwatt commented 5 years ago

Everything works for me now, i needed to remove typo3temp, clear backend cache and frontend cache for getting this to work. Even with fileadmin: ...templateRootPaths.0 = fileadmin/folder/to/templates/

As @Patta stated:

the custom paginate template need to be placed in ViewHelpers/Widget/Paginate in the root path.

So you file needs to be named Index.html and to be stored in fileadmin/folder/to/templates/ViewHelpers/Widget/Paginate/.

wini2 commented 5 years ago

big thanks to you for your fast help. finally i got it work, widget.paginate.templateRootPath = fileadmin/Template/ext/sf_filecollection_gallery/Resources/Private/Templates/ does the trick.

i don't want to spoil the fun - but could it be that the pagination does not work properly? as far as i undertand the settings ' Items per page' and ' Numbers of visible pages' determines the numbers to be shown.

i tried it with 50 images and ' Items per page' = 1 and 'number of visible pages' = 10. as a result i got a conitinous numbered paginator form 1 to 39 - without previous/next or ellipsis points.

Patta commented 5 years ago

@machwatt do you plan a release soon? thanks

Patta commented 4 years ago

Is this extension still maintained? thanks for your response and time.

machwatt commented 4 years ago

Good question, lately i have little time to work on that, but planning to give it some love.

Patta commented 3 years ago

@machwatt any news here? Is v10 LTS support in the pipeline or should we better switch to a other gallery extension? thanks and greets.

machwatt commented 3 years ago

I started migrating to v10 today... have to fix some things and change some other ;) i created a milestone for that.

machwatt commented 3 years ago

As the widget will be gone soon, there should be another solution for pagination and i would clean up the settings maybe.