maciejhirsz / kobold

Easy declarative web interfaces.
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refactor: refactor general #21

Closed ltfschoen closed 1 year ago

ltfschoen commented 1 year ago

@maciejhirsz how do you use the other functions mentioned in crates/kobold/js/utils.js?

for example start is in crates/kobold/js/utils.js and also in crates/kobold/src/ and then it's used in various examples files with kobold::start(html! { <Elapsed />})

so if i wanted to use fragment in crates/kobold/js/utils.js, is the idea just to add it to crates/kobold/src/ or in its own file in that folder, for example for fragement it'd just be

pub fn fragment() {


before we can use it in an example file with kobold::fragment()?

but i can't see the purpose of fragement

maciejhirsz commented 1 year ago

before we can use it in an example file with kobold::fragment()?

but i can't see the purpose of fragement

There is a higher level RAII Fragment struct here:

All of those JS functions are just implementation details and shouldn't be exposed, the html! macro creates fragments just fine by default (no <>...</> needed).

maciejhirsz commented 1 year ago

Since there are no changes atm, I'll close it to keep the PRs clean.