maciejmaciejewski / azure-pipelines-protractor

Embed Protractor HTML report in Azure Pipelines
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Protractor Report not Showing Images in AZURE DEVOPS #6

Closed ybc9959 closed 4 years ago

ybc9959 commented 4 years ago

Protractor Beautiful Reporter is working fine and I was able to see all the screenshots and index.html file in temp folder. When I open the Index.html folder from my local, I was able to see the Report with failed screenshots and all the Logs what I expected. Now I configured same thing in Azure Devops , Everything is Displaying well except the screenshots. When I click on the image it was blank, checked locally and html report works fine. Attaching some screenshots. 1 2 3

ybc9959 commented 4 years ago

Attaching Code below. onPrepare: function() { // Add a screenshot reporter and store screenshots to /tmp/screenshots: jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({ baseDirectory: 'tmp/screenshots', docName: 'index.html', docTitle: 'my reporter', takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs: true, excludeSkippedSpecs: true, preserveDirectory: false, gatherBrowserLogs: false, sortFunction: function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a.cachedBase === undefined) { var aTemp = a.description.split('|').reverse(); a.cachedBase = aTemp.slice(0).slice(0, -1); a.cachedName = aTemp.slice(0).join(''); }; if (b.cachedBase === undefined) { var bTemp = b.description.split('|').reverse(); b.cachedBase = bTemp.slice(0).slice(0, -1); b.cachedName = bTemp.slice(0).join(''); };

            var firstBase = a.cachedBase;
            var secondBase = b.cachedBase;

            for (var i = 0; i < firstBase.length || i < secondBase.length; i++) {

                if (firstBase[i] === undefined) { return -1; }
                if (secondBase[i] === undefined) { return 1; }
                if (firstBase[i].localeCompare(secondBase[i]) === 0) { continue; }
                return firstBase[i].localeCompare(secondBase[i]);

            var firstTimestamp = a.timestamp;
            var secondTimestamp = b.timestamp;

            if (firstTimestamp < secondTimestamp) return -1;
            else return 1;
        clientDefaults: {
            searchSettings: {
                allselected: false,
                passed: false,
                failed: true,
                pending: true,
                withLog: true
            columnSettings: {
                displayTime: true,
                displayBrowser: true,
                displaySessionId: false,
                displayOS: true,
                inlineScreenshots: false
            showTotalDurationIn: "header",
            totalDurationFormat: "hms",



maciejmaciejewski commented 4 years ago

@ybc9959 Thank you for reporting this issue

Could you please specify which version of the reporter you are using. Also If you could run your build pipeline with variable system.debug=true to confirm that screenshot have been uploaded. You should see

Attached copy of the task execution log.txt

maciejmaciejewski commented 4 years ago

Package dependency globby stopped supporting windows slashes with the release of version 10.x. You can read details here

Updating upload path to replace windows slashes with unix ones.

ybc9959 commented 4 years ago

Please find the attached Logs & Version 1 Image not loading Reporter version with updated one version packagejson Log

maciejmaciejewski commented 4 years ago

@ybc9959 Bear in mind that extension task looks for combined.json file in root directory of your report and then it searches for screenshots in screenshots subdirectory.

Please try adding following line to your reporter configuration

  screenshotsSubfolder: 'screenshots',
ybc9959 commented 4 years ago

Yeah I see that the task is looking for Combined.json file.