maciejwalkowiak / implementing-ddd-with-spring-talk

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DomainEventListener located under application or Catalog module fails modulith verification with LoanCreated and Closed from Lending module #2

Open paguerre3 opened 3 weeks ago

paguerre3 commented 3 weeks ago

@maciejwalkowiak I really enjoyed the Video but where u able to fully test it? Note I like the concepts provided and agree in most of them but checking DomainEventListener located under application or Catalog module fails modulith verification with the Loan Events from Lending module:

Note I logged modules to see further details and I saw no expose, I checked modules dependecies and saw:


Logical name: lending Base package: library.lending Direct module dependencies: none Spring beans: o ….application.RentBookUseCase o ….application.ReturnBookUseCase o ….domain.LoanRepository


Logical name: catalog Base package: library.catalog Direct module dependencies: none Spring beans: o ….application.AddBookToCatalogUseCase o ….application.DomainEventListener o ….application.RegisterBookCopyUseCase o ….domain.BookRepository o ….domain.CopyRepository o ….infrastructure.OpenLibraryBookSearchService

So how can we see LoanCreated and Closed (from Lending Module) in the the Catalog module / application : DomainEventListener if Modulith verification fails because they aren't exposed?

paguerre3 commented 3 weeks ago

@maciejwalkowiak As a Quick solution I added @NamedInterface in the classes exposed into the Catalog module from Lending module, e.g.:

import org.springframework.modulith.NamedInterface;

public record LoanClosed(CopyId copyId) {

@maciejwalkowiak Please add me as a collaborator and I can commit the solution if u like or explain a better solution because now i see DO Events from domain of Lending exposed to the aplication Layer of Catalog


Logical name: lending Base package: library.lending Named interfaces:

  • NamedInterface: name=<>, types=[]
  • NamedInterface: name=domain, types=[ l.d.CopyId, .l.d.LoanClosed, l.d.LoanCreated ]