maciejwalkowiak / just

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Build as statically linked executable to enable using on older versions of Linux #10

Open maciejwalkowiak opened 1 year ago

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

When running on Linux, Just requires gclib 2.34 - which comes with Ubuntu 22.04 but not with 18.x or 20.x.

There is a way to build a static native executable that comes with bundled gclib:

jvalkeal commented 1 year ago

You're probably building on gh-actions, which should give you relatively easy way to use musl like we've done in spring-shell sample app for e2e tests You just need to massage build(assume you're on gradle) as things go south if given to win/macos build. graalvm/setup-graalvm makes it relatively easy to do musl compile.

If you do things from gradle then it's something like to conditionally add flags.

Just wanted to throw out these tips!

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @jvalkeal. I'll give it a deeper look after holidays!