maciejwalkowiak / just

Magical 🪄 command line toolkit for developing 🍃 Spring Boot apps
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Support launching multiple applications in a multi-model maven project with a single command #23

Open mikomatic opened 1 year ago

mikomatic commented 1 year ago


First of all thank you for building a cool project in the spring eco-system.

We have a mono-repo hosting several applications living under the same multi-module maven project. Example:

├─ common/
├─ app1/
│  ├─ pom.xml
├─ app2/
│  ├─ pom.xml

In this example common module is a dependency of app1 and app2. Right now if we want to develop locally we have to:

While this works it can be cumbersome.

Even if writing bash script(s) to execute the necessary commands is certainly an option, just seems to address this specific kind of issues/devEx.

It would be nice if it also handled this king of use case :)

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

Multi module support is on its way. What's new here is support for multiple docker compose files. I like it! Thanks for reporting!

mikomatic commented 1 year ago

I think the other novelty is starting many applications from a single command (unless that is what you meant by multi-module support). 👌