maciejwalkowiak / just

Magical 🪄 command line toolkit for developing 🍃 Spring Boot apps
312 stars 6 forks source link

Windows Scoop Couldn't find manifest for 'just'. #3

Closed Yuliamz closed 1 year ago

Yuliamz commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am getting this error when trying to install JUST on Windows using Scoop: Couldn't find manifest for 'just'.

Is it in a bucket other than Main or Extras?

PS C:\Windows\system32> scoop -v
Current Scoop version:
v0.3.1 - Released at 2022-11-15

'extras' bucket:
58d5ff838 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) streamlabs-obs: Update to version 1.12.4

PS C:\Windows\system32> scoop bucket list

Name   Source                                   Updated                   Manifests
----   ------                                   -------                   ---------
extras 14/12/2022 7:32:24 p. m.       1745
main   ~\scoop\buckets\main                     14/12/2022 10:09:07 p. m.      1124

PS C:\Windows\system32> scoop install maciejwalkowiak/just
Couldn't find manifest for 'just'.
maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

I may have messed up installation instructions on Windows. Try please this:

$ scoop bucket add maciejwalkowiak
$ scoop install just

Docs updated:

Yuliamz commented 1 year ago

It works now.

C:\Windows\system32> scoop bucket add maciejwalkowiak            
Checking repo... OK   
The maciejwalkowiak bucket was added successfully.                                                                      
PS C:\Windows\system32> scoop install just
Installing 'just' (0.11.1) [64bit] from maciejwalkowiak bucket (29,1 MB) [====================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of ... ok.
Extracting ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\just\current => ~\scoop\apps\just\0.11.1
Creating shim for 'just'.
Running post_install script...
Just collects anonymous usage data. If you don't agree, just don't use it.
'just' (0.11.1) was installed successfully!
PS C:\Windows\system32> just help

       ??????   ????????????????????
       ??????   ????????????????????
       ??????   ???????????   ???
  ??   ??????   ???????????   ???
  ?????????????????????????   ???
   ??????  ??????? ????????   ???

Usage: just [-V] [COMMAND]
  -V, --version   Print Just version
  run     runs Spring Boot project - either with Maven or Gradle in dev mode
            with hot reloading enabled
  help    Display help information about the specified command.
  format  formats code with Spotless
  init    initializes Just related files
  build   builds application
  kill    kills process running on port
