maciejwalkowiak / just

Magical 🪄 command line toolkit for developing 🍃 Spring Boot apps
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just build native-image from documentation does not exist on Mac #38

Closed DennisBecker closed 1 year ago

DennisBecker commented 1 year ago

The documentation shows that you have to use ` to build a docker image with a native executable.justshows an error and that you have to usenative_image`. So, which is the preferred target?

just build native-image

Invalid value for positional parameter at index 0 (<buildTarget>): there is no target native-image. Choose one of: [image, native, jar, native_image]
Usage: just build [--quick] [--skip-tests] [<buildTarget>]
builds application
      [<buildTarget>]   one of: jar, native, image, native-image
      --quick           runs fast build, skip tests, skips docs generation and
                          all possible checks
      --skip-tests      skips tests

I have installed just 0.12.0 with brew on a Macbook Pro M1.

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

This has been reported in #20 and will be fixed in the next release. Right now please use just build native_image.

DennisBecker commented 1 year ago

Sorry, seems I have not searched correctly